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Cultivate Hope

In a small village in the mountains of Haiti, a tired young girl pulls roots from the ground and heats a pot of water. As her mother boils them down, Widline swears her kids will have it better than this. 

Another night of softened shrub roots won’t be enough to curb the sharp hunger pangs for her and her siblings. Undernourished, the reality of Widline staying healthy is unlikely. 

Her father works hard to scrape up some odd jobs here and there, but in an area where unemployment is estimated at 75 percent (Oxfam), work is hard to come by.

“And let us not grow weary of doing good, for in due season we will reap, if we do not give up.”

Fifteen years later, by the grace and provision of God, Widline makes it through unspeakable trials and starts a family of her own. But the patterns of poverty her parents faced entrench her life now. 

As she and her husband lock eyes over their dinner of roots, a knowing glance is shared. Something needs to change, or they will lose one of their children.

That’s why New Life for Haiti’s sustainable agronomy program is vitally important.

This family’s life is completely changed with something as simple as a packet of seeds and a goat. 

Receiving personalized training from a local agronomist, Widline and her husband learn how to grow and harvest their own food and care for their goat. As the goat matures, they’ll be able to breed and eventually create a whole flock of goats to generate income and nutrition.

What you plant now, you’ll harvest later.

Beans and corn begin to fill a small area of land outside their home, and soon the surplus starts to pay for their children’s school tuition. 

They receive nourishing milk from their goats, helping their kids grow strong and even providing a small income for the family.

Now, Widline and her family’s dinner plates overflow with veggies and meat. Instead of going to bed with hunger pangs, they each rest their heads at night with a full, nourished belly. 

Instead of living in a constant state of worry about how they will survive each day, this family can finally find the means not just to survive, but thrive.  

Because of people like you, Widline and her family can break the intergenerational cycle of poverty and support a bright future for each child.

Be a part of a cycle of change and cultivate hope for a family today.