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Our Stories

New Life for Haiti and God's Beautiful Mosaic

When Flag Day came again on May 18, Judeline looked around at her classmates, teachers, and neighbors, and realized that she was no longer just a girl from a small village. She was a citizen of Haiti, a land rich in history, culture, abundance, and faith.

(A short story of a shepherd and his sheep in rural Haiti, told as a parable.)

Sefab is a famer and shepherd in rural Haiti, living in the Grand Anse River valley on the southern peninsula. He lives in poverty, even by many Haitian standards. Much of his day is spent moving his sheep from one grazing area to another. One of the challenges...

It began with a series of mission trips.

Our founder, Fran Leeman, had spent many years traveling to Haiti to serve in various ways.

We believe that education changes lives, so when we discovered that the school system in Haiti was failing its students, we knew something had to change.

In a village tucked in the southern peninsula of Haiti is a family whose lives are struck by hardship.

But they’re not your average family. Or at least the picture of a family you may be familiar with . . .

Mikelda has an extraordinary story of how God rescued her.

Just like Moses, when Mikelda was a baby, her mother placed her in a basket and sent the basket floating down the Grand Anse River. Passersby found the baby in the basket and took her to a poorly run orphanage, far from the Village of Hope. Unfortunately these type of orphanages are the norm rather than the exception in Haiti . . .

Imagine if six hours of your day was spent thinking, “How do I get clean water to my family? Or any water, for that matter?”

This is the reality for many families in Haiti, especially in communities like Chameau . . .

Before the School of Hope, Ganaelle Darius didn’t know how she would attend school.

Her mother and father struggled just to keep food on the table, and the closest school was across the Grand Anse River. When the weather was just right, Ganaelle and her siblings could wade through the river and get to school.

By former executive director, Marnie Van Wyk: On November 15, 2021, I felt a little perturbed. I hadn’t heard from our field director, Vilex Plaisir, all day, and I was waiting for answers to some important questions about a construction project. Finally, at 8:43 p.m., I received this message . . .