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Frequent Questions

If you’re new to our wonderful community of world changers, here are a few answers to questions we frequently receive.

  1. Who founded New Life for Haiti?

    Pastor Fran Leeman from LifeSpring Community Church! He went on a series of mission trips in different areas of Haiti for several years until he felt the Lord calling him to pick one place and make it better.

  2. How does New Life for Haiti run?

    Fun fact, we were entirely volunteer-run until 2017! Now, we have two American staff members, thirty Haitian staff members, and a fifteen-member working board of directors.

  3. Our American headquarters is in Plainfield, Illinois, and our Haitian headquarters is in the far western part of the southern peninsula of Haiti, in a town called Marfranc.

  4. How many states does Haiti have?

    Great question! Haiti doesn’t have states like the US, but they do have ten departments, similar to our understanding of states. We’re in the Grand Anse department.

  5. How many children have you helped?

    We are humbled to report we have helped 340 children receive free education! In Haiti, there is limited access to free public education, and tuition is a significant barrier for most families.

  6. The Village of Hope orphanage is a refuge for children who have either lost their families or have been rescued from human trafficking to heal, grow, and restore. So far, we’ve walked alongside twenty-four children in this life-changing journey.

  7. We’re all about building hope for a sustainable future—it’s even in our mission statement! One practical way we do this is through our sustainable agriculture program, where we’ve taught hundreds of people how to plant, grow, and sell their own food and care for goats that provide supplemental income.

  8. New Life for Haiti has built seven schools since our inception. Right now, we’re focused on expanding the School of Hope to create a space for our future seventh through ninth graders to learn.

Have a question that wasn’t answered here? Shoot us an email at

We couldn’t do what we do without you. Thank you for loving the people of the Grand Anse River valley so well.